Looking to watch the event in person?
Date: Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
Time: Doors open at 6:30 pm EST
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
12 Alexander Street
Toronto, ON
Cost: $20 at the door | $15 for artists
Looking to watch the event in person?
Date: Wednesday, May 17th, 2023
Time: Doors open at 6:30 pm EST
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
12 Alexander Street
Toronto, ON
Cost: $20 at the door | $15 for artists
1. To be eligible for the National Monologue Slam Finale (Round 9), you must have placed in the top 3 (live or virtual event) between January and November 2020.
2. Upload a YOUTUBE or VIMEO link ONLY. Please make sure the video is public, with no passwords.
3. Follow us on Instagram (@monologueslam) and Facebook (@MonologueSlamCanada) – If you’re not on social media that’s cool too…weird…but cool. It may take over 48 hours and not all videos will be reposted.
4. Fill out the application using the form below
1. Comedic Monologue
2. Dramatic Monologue
3. Youth Monologue (12 to 17 years old)
4. Kids (11 years and under)
1. Self tape-style (medium close up, no cuts or editing)
2. Monologues should be between 1-2 minutes in length.
3. Please have clear audio and lighting (turn off any buzzing appliances)
4. Please shoot LANDSCAPE (horizontally)
5. Please label your video as follows: YOUR NAME – MONOLOGUE TITLE, AUTHOR – ‘MONOLOGUE SLAM ONLINE’- DATE. For example, Jane Smith – Whiplash by Damien Chazelle – MONOLOGUE SLAM ONLINE – April 27, 2020
6. No file transfers or downloads. Videos must be made PUBLIC. NO PASSWORDS!
1. Have way more FUN
2. More vocal range/energy/to have things ‘pop’ and then come back down
3. More active physically and vocally. Pace could all be changed up to make it more active
4. A lot of them felt MONOTONE all the way through. Others were projecting all the way through
5. This is your chance to TAKE RISKS and push the envelope (while keeping it real and grounded)
6. The text can be explored further so that the work feels less ‘memorized’ and fresher
7. Read 9 Elements of a Great Monologue
Our mission is to provide a space for artists to develop and showcase their craft. We encourage artists to explore storytelling that engages different perspectives, pushes boundaries, challenges our world views, and speaks to our deepest and most compelling truths – this is what art is about. If you are unclear about any of the rules or have questions concerning the content of your performance please contact us for clarification.
NO edited videos. This includes added sound effects, music, cuts, transitions, etc
NO hateful or discriminatory speech
NO nudity or explicit sexuality
Please include a content warning for potentially sensitive content (see below)
The decisions made by judges are final and not subject to complaint or alteration.
Rules are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Monologue Slam Canada organizers.
We understand that sometimes themes explored in work can be mature, emotionally challenging, or difficult in nature. Therefore, we ask that artists include a content warning (‘cw’ or ‘content warning’) to identify any potentially sensitive subject matter. For example [CW: violence, domestic abuse]. While it is impossible to know every subject that could be considered sensitive, a list of common ones is listed here.
The deadline for submission is Friday, December 18th @ 3pm EST (12pm PST)
Step 1: Download and install ZOOM on your computer or phone.
Step 2: Start a new meeting and invite your scene partner
Step 3: Under Zoom.us (upper left corner) click on Preferences..
Step 4: Check the box for the following settings: Enable HD, Adjust for low-light, and Spotlight my video when speaking.
Step 5: When using the “Spotlight my video when speaking” option, Zoom will not instantly adjust to who’s speaking or if you’re speaking over one another. This is fine and we’re more looking for the energy of the scene and partners.
Step 6: Enter the zoom meeting (use speaker view not gallery) and record your scene (only one person needs to hit record). During your Zoom you will see all participants above the main screen, however only the main screen is recorded. After you END the meeting, Zoom will then save a .MP4 on your hard drive (or phone).
Our mission is to provide a space for artists to develop and showcase their craft. We encourage artists to explore storytelling that engages different perspectives, pushes boundaries, challenges our worldviews, and speaks to our deepest and most compelling truths – this is what art is about. If you are unclear about any of the rules or have questions concerning the content of your performance please contact us for clarification.
NO added sound effects, music, etc
NO hateful or discriminatory speech
NO nudity or explicit sexuality
Please include a content warning for potentially sensitive content (see below)
The decisions made by judges are final and not subject to complaint or alteration.
Rules are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Monologue Slam Canada organizers.
We understand that sometimes themes explored in work can be mature, emotionally challenging, or difficult in nature. Therefore, we ask that artists include a content warning (‘cw’ or ‘content warning’) to identify any potentially sensitive subject matter. For example [CW: violence, domestic abuse]. While it is impossible to know every subject that could be considered sensitive, a list of common ones is listed here.
The deadline for submission is Sunday, November 22nd @ 3pm EST (12pm PST)
1. Record a ONE MINUTE monologue
2. Upload a YOUTUBE or VIMEO link ONLY. Please make sure the video is public, with no passwords.
3. Follow us on Instagram (@monologueslam) and Facebook (@MonologueSlamCanada) – If you’re not on social media that’s cool too…weird…but cool. It may take over 48 hours and not all videos will be reposted.
4. Fill out the application using the form below
1. Comedic Monologue
2. Dramatic Monologue
3. Youth Monologue (12 to 17 years old)
4. Kids (11 years and under)
1. Self tape-style (medium close up, no cuts or editing)
2. Please have clear audio and lighting (turn off any buzzing appliances)
3. Please shoot LANDSCAPE (horizontally)
4. Please label your video as follows: YOUR NAME – MONOLOGUE TITLE, AUTHOR – ‘MONOLOGUE SLAM ONLINE’- DATE. For example, Jane Smith – Whiplash by Damien Chazelle – MONOLOGUE SLAM ONLINE – April 27, 2020
5. No file transfers or downloads. Videos must be made PUBLIC. NO PASSWORDS!
1. Have way more FUN
2. More vocal range/energy/to have things ‘pop’ and then come back down
3. More active physically and vocally. Pace could all be changed up to make it more active
4. A lot of them felt MONOTONE all the way through. Others were projecting all the way through
5. This is your chance to TAKE RISKS and push the envelope (while keeping it real and grounded)
6. The text can be explored further so that the work feels less ‘memorized’ and fresher
7. Read 9 Elements of a Great Monologue
Our mission is to provide a space for artists to develop and showcase their craft. We encourage artists to explore storytelling that engages different perspectives, pushes boundaries, challenges our world views, and speaks to our deepest and most compelling truths – this is what art is about. If you are unclear about any of the rules or have questions concerning the content of your performance please contact us for clarification.
NO edited videos. This includes added sound effects, music, cuts, transitions, etc
NO hateful or discriminatory speech
NO nudity or explicit sexuality
Please include a content warning for potentially sensitive content (see below)
The decisions made by judges are final and not subject to complaint or alteration.
Rules are subject to change at the sole discretion of the Monologue Slam Canada organizers.
We understand that sometimes themes explored in work can be mature, emotionally challenging, or difficult in nature. Therefore, we ask that artists include a content warning (‘cw’ or ‘content warning’) to identify any potentially sensitive subject matter. For example [CW: violence, domestic abuse]. While it is impossible to know every subject that could be considered sensitive, a list of common ones is listed here.
The deadline for submission is Sunday, October 18th @ 3pm EST (12pm PST)