1. We will select 4 to 6 projects (10 pages) and cast them from the available actors to cold read in person or over zoom.
2. After each cold read there will be 2 minutes for feedback/discussion.
3. Selected projects will have the opportunity to be produced, filmed and edited.
1. Fill out the application using the form below
2. Email us a one page sample of your script and brief synopsis to Subject: “My 10 Pages”
3. The selected pages will be notified by email (you should still attend either way)
4. Join us on the zoom link
1. Fill out the application using the form below
2. Selected actors will be notified by email (you should still attend either way)
3. Join us on the zoom link
The Writers Block is free to attend. All we ask is your support by following us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and sharing with other artists so we can grow this amazing community. We’re stronger together and your support helps us create a better industry for actors.
Our mission is to provide a space for artists to develop and showcase their craft. We encourage artists to explore storytelling that engages different perspectives, pushes boundaries, challenges our world views, and speaks to our deepest and most compelling truths – this is what art is about. If you are unclear about any of the rules or have questions concerning the content of your performance please contact us for clarification. NO hateful or discriminatory speech
Why do this?
Hearing scripts read by actors is great for writers and cold reading is an important skill for actors to learn/practice.
What if I don’t have 10 pages?
Keep writing
Who should apply to this?
Actors and writers who are about that life aka serious about their craft.
How are the actors selected?
Actors are cast based on the character breakdowns provided. Our goals is to get as many people involved as possible.
What type of writing is allowed?
At the moment we are looking for film, tv, and theatre scripts. We will still consider monologues, poetry and other works at each event.
Does it have to be a completed project?
No project is every really complete. Come as you are…10 pages though.
How do you select the projects to produce as Dream Scenes?
Projects will be chosen based on feasibility, schedule and available talent/resources.